Training ITIL4 Foundation akan dilaksanakan di tanggal 7-8 Desember 2023 bagi peserta yang berminat untuk bergabung dapat menghubungi tim eNetwoQ untuk dibuatkan Quotation dan Registration Form
The Personal Information Collection Statement will state the purposes for which personal data will be used, whether it is obligatory or voluntary for the individuals to supply their personal data.
I have read, understood and agreed to the Terms and Conditions above
Personal data collected on this form is used for course/exam
registration and customer support. PT eNetwoQ ServiT indonesia
is committed to maintaining confidentiality of all personal
information at all times. PT eNetwoQ ServIT Indonesia
undertakes not to sell, rent, lease, or disclose trainee information
to any 3rd party without prior consent of the trainee. You may
request deletion of your personal data at any time.